How to make a baby (podcast)

It’s the everyman’s guide to conception, pregnancy, and birth. And beyond.

I started this during grad school when my wife was pregnant. She was listening to tons of podcasts and reading lots of books and I was…not. I couldn’t find anything that I really got into. I wanted answers to practical questions and reminders of basic concepts. While I was thinking, wait, how does conception really work?, my wife was listening to delivery room stories and doing what-size-fruit-is-our-baby research. One time we were told our little guy was a “foot-long pomegranate”. …I don’t think that exists.

Anyhow time passed and I’ve had a blast talking to doctors and midwives and financial planners and many more great folks about babies and all that surrounds them. Find How to make a baby anywhere you listen to podcasts. But mostly at Apple and Spotify.